Monday, August 6, 2012

Week #2: Target Audience

It's very hard to choose a target audience for a magazine. Especially if that magazine is based upon the aspects of "design". There are so many aspects of "design" thats its really hard to choose which aspect or element you want. For example:
. Fashion
. Photography
. Print
. Packaging
. Advertisement
. Website

The list just goes on and on

For my target audience I have to chosen to base my magazine upon those who are "just getting started" in this industry and those who are still studying through university or college. Through my research I have realised that these type of audience are much more interactive and you can easily grab their attention.

The reason why I have chosen this type of audience is because their minds are thirsting for knowledge and they crave to learn new things. But most importantly they want to discover what skills they are best at and where their skills are best suited to.

The age groups who are interested in design are getting younger and younger by the day and they are the ones who are getting started earlier than older generations.

My age group ranges from high school students (14-18) to those who have just started university (18+). The reason that I have chosen is because these are the students that are more enthusiastic and eager to get started in design. This is the age group that would purchase the magazine more than any other age groups.  

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