Monday, July 30, 2012

Week #1: Research

Design Books
Design books and magazines explore through the aspects of design. They allow us to know what's happening around the world and what are the latest trends of design. From architecture to graphics and photography to interior design. They teach us and improve our own skills whether we are beginners or professionals. These types of books have a greater impact and sell more effectively on those that are just starting out in the industry and those who are still studying at university.

Here is a list of Design Books and Magazines:

. Creative
. Idn
. Eye
. Incubate
. Look
. Arts

But its not just the words of the article that teach us, but the layout of the book itself that teaches us. Even the layout of the book has its own style of design and is considered an artwork itself. The positions and shapes of images combined with the layout of the text can create an interesting layout which has an even greater impact upon the reader and allows the reader to be drawn into the world of design without them even knowing.

 These layouts you see here are all creative, interesting and eye-catching in their own way. They all have different layouts from each other. 

But they all have one thing in common... Space. They all portray a sense of space and they do not choke the page with words or images, but they use the space in an artistic way.